Many high potential individuals are promoted into management positions because of their earlier successes, their technical knowledge and expertise. When assigned to lead others they soon find that the skills which led to promotion, like having all the answers, could lead to their derailment in the new job. IDA works with individuals who need assistance with inter-personal skills to lead their teams to success. Learning to motivate others requires knowledge of self and of others. It necessitates a real interest in learning about other team members and what they need to work at their best.
IDA’s Approach
•Clarify expectations between the individual and the organization
•Gather and provide meaningful feedback from the organization to the individual
•Identify the individual’s competencies and areas for development
•Create a development plan together with the individual
•Coach the individual to leverage his/her strengths while improving areas for development
•Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Psychology are an important part of the process
•Follow-up 360° interviews.
Data gathering is necessary to develop a base line for the development plan. Possible assessment tools are: a) 360° feedback: Benchmarks, b) Confidential 360° interviews, c) Conflict Dynamics Profile, d) Matrix 360° Influence Behavior, e) Campbell-Hallam Team Development Survey, f) Campbell-Hallam Team Leader Profile
It is not just those newly promoted to management who need to perfect inter-personal skills. IDA has worked with a number of senior executives who have risen quickly to the top only to find that their lack of listening skills inhibits strong team development. They believed their success was due to having the answers and it was this attitude which inhibited those on their team. Through coaching they gradually learned to develop mutual trust and to balance advocacy and inquiry.